Also, resistance to Chinese influence in the Solomon Islands and Beijing’s efforts to subsidize I.V.F. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Amelia Nierenberg Original Source: NY Times >>
Tag Archives: United States
How Asian Americans Are Redefining the Lunar New Year
Some younger Asian Americans are creating their own holiday traditions, putting their own spin on lessons they’ve learned. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Aileen Kwun Original Source: NY Times >>
People Are Going Back to Holiday Parties — With Covid Tests
As rising Covid rates collide with a return to holiday festivities, hosts are coming up with inventive compromises. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Roni Caryn Rabin and Holly Secon Original Source: NY Times >>
From the U.S. to China: A 3-Month Quarantine Horror Story
A lawyer flew home to China hoping to see his family for the first time since the pandemic began. Instead, he was trapped in three months of quarantine. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Vivian Wang Original Source: NY Times >>
New Year’s Day charity swims are being canceled around the world.
NYTimes New Year’s Eve Alyssa Lukpat Original Source: NY Times >>
How Truck Drivers Cook on the Road
Long-haul drivers are under intense pressure this season, but many will carve out the time (and the onboard space) to make steaks, turkeys and charcuterie boards. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Priya Krishna Original Source: NY Times >>
‘El Año Nuevo ya es una tragedia’: el mundo en pausa todavía no retoma la normalidad
Alrededor del planeta, la gente que tenía la esperanza de que el 2021 desterrara el horror del año pasado enfrentan la realidad de que tal vez los desafíos más arduos están por venir. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Jason Horowitz Original Source: NY Times >>
‘La nouvelle année est déjà une tragédie’: le monde attend toujours un retour à la normale.
À travers le monde, ceux qui espéraient que 2021 permettrait de tourner la page sur une année d’horreur prennent conscience que le plus dur est peut-être encore à venir. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Jason Horowitz Original Source: NY Times >>
What Makes You Think 2021 Will Be Better?
Most of the issues that made 2020 feel like a horror story will roll along with us into the new year. NYTimes New Year’s Eve Wajahat Ali Original Source: NY Times >>